Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ms. Nakada's Computer Lab Blog

HW: RJ 11.2

Okay, so we met in the computer lab and Emily read the blog. I got so distracted by all the NaNoWriMo craziness that we didn't choose someone to do the blog and didn't set one up so here I am writing about what happened today.

So, first I have all of the amazing novelists a button for participating in National Novel Writing Month! I can't believe it's over. Tear. We started by opening our novels and copying and pasting them from our alphasmarts and then everyone got to writing!

A few people had to go to the classroom to get their alphasmarts because they saved their file in some different place and couldn't find their stuff.  People got to writing though and our first winner was Frank!  Woo hoo!  By the end of the period there were several winners! Yay! I couldn't be prouder, actually. Many of you set super high goals and I'm so impressed with all you wrote this month. People takes months, years, sometimes decades or whole lifetimes before they even think about writing a novel and you all already have. Amazing. Yep. I'm impressed.

Andrea finally showed up toward the end of the period (no, she wasn't skipping, people) and several novelists decided a picture being worth a thousand words might be a good use of their time so Payge and Chris and Jefferey all worked on pictures.  So, according to our class chart, we wrote over 325,000 words! Way to go! Then the bell rang and school was out for the day. 

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