Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ariana's Last Blogg :-*

Anne Frank/ 12th Night
~exit interviews
H.W. Bring books or Pay $$!

me&chris (:
Hey it's Ariana(: Chris chose me to do the blog 'cause I told him to pick me yesterday. I haven't done the blog for a long time, & it feels good being back :D So right now we're re-reading Anne Frank & summarizing scenes 1, 2, & 3. omg there's 7 days 'til school ends :'( I'm gonna miss this clas ;D & all my friends that aren't going to Uni with me :/ I do hope that we all keep in touch (: Anyways, back to Anne Frank, dang those Nazis were cruel. It's really hard to believe they killed millions of Jews.  Right now we're doing the summaries. After that, we're continuing reading Anne Frank, Scene 4Break time! brb 
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Hello its Chris just saying hi!:)

Review for final SPA
H.W. Review notes.
Bring books!

Break was all right. I went to Diacu's class lol :P Well I just took the test for Bull Run and got an 8 out of 10 :D We're reviewing for the SPA test that we're about to take in a couple minutes. It's gonna be the last SPA that we're going to take. Yaaaay! Eeeeww constructed response -.- We're taking the test and it's quiet. wow. I'm not really used to that in this class :O k I'm done with the multiple choice. Time for constructed response. ugh -.- done with the test! :D That means I've officially completed the last History test. yaaaayyyy! <:D well bell's ringing in a couple minutes so peace out! :-* -AriCari

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