Monday, October 11, 2010

Julia's blog

Blog Poetry
Revising your narratives 
writers workshop
HW: RJ 5.1 to ch.10-12

 Ms. Nakada told us to take out our poetry sheet so we could read it out loud like we always do when we come in for English. We read "The Eagle" by Alfred Lord Tennyson, then the poem "Love" by William Jay Smith, "Fog" by Carol Sandburg, the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost. Then we read a new poem from our paper "The World is Not a Pleasant Place To Be" by Nikki Giovanni, and then Ms. Nakada stared explaining what the poem meant. After Ms. Nakada told us to take out our English journals and put revising your personal narrative in our table of contents then to write it on to of the paper for page 9. Ms. Nakada asked the class to re-read what you have and to look for: 
1. Is the scene/setting clearly described?
2. Are the characters easy to see?
3. Did you use dialogue?
4. Did you use a simile : like or as:
5. Did you use a metaphor   
Then we went to break.

Ch.5: Toward independence 
Colony project 
British tyranny
HW:Review notes

 Ms. Nakada told the class that we where going to do a colony project in groups. Each group got to choose what colony group they want to talk about. After they choose which one they wanted to talk about, they stared doing there poster. Then Ms. Nakada and the British started going around the class and started asking the Colony if they wanted to change something for money. After  The colonists got mad and  Ms. Nakada told the class to take Cornell Notes on chapter 5: Toward Independence. Then Ms. Nakada told the class to open there history books and look at page 64 and 65. Ms. Nakada told the class to read the first sentence of each paragraph on page 65. last Ms. Nakada told the class that when there done they could get ready to pack up. Then the bell rang and it was time to go home. =]

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