Monday, September 20, 2010

Daniel's blog 0___O

Agenda : Blog poem "The Eagle"
reading visual visualization
The Outsiders
topics,genres,& audience
homework: reading journal 2.1.

Blogger:  Daniel

When class started we all walked in started copying our agenda... well, most of us.Then Emily started to read her blog. When she was done with her blog she had to pick a boy to write the blog and she chose ME!! Ms. Nakada started to read a poem by a woman named Emily Dickinson. When Ms. Nakada asked the class to read the poem together we did not do so well the first few tries then we got it! After that Ms. Nakada asked the class "if your life had a  sound track what would it be playing?" A few minutes later she started to play a few songs and she asked us what we would picture in our heads when we heard the songs. Ms. Nakada started to read a book called the The Outsiders. She asked us what we pictured when she was reading the book . Then the bell rang and she let us out for a break. YAY!

Agenda: timelines intro to cornell notes
homework:study for quiz #1.

The class started by Ms. Nakada asking the class to take out our timeline. She gave us 5 minutes to make it look pretty. Next Ms. Nakada introduced us to Cornell notes. We had to name 7 continents in the world with one country. Then we had to name 6 regions in the United States.

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